Meet Paul Edwards

Meet Paul Edwards, a director of HasleWorks, Ambassador of the Natural History Museum and Haslemere resident.

As a veteran of the market research industry, Paul also holds several non-executive directorships including and Creative Nature.

Paul has served as chair of TNS Research International UK, Chief Strategy Officer of Publicis, Group CEO of Lowe and chair of The Henley Centre. His career has also included stints as head of planning for major advertising agencies, SP Lintas and Young & Rubicam.

It is fair to say that the world of work has changed since Paul went straight into research as a graduate of Durham University. He enjoys having HasleWorks as his place of work in the town centre and has been a source of wisdom and insight since we first planned this venture. He says:

“There’s a real sense that office life has changed and certainly the idea of being in the office everyday has vanished. But the working environment here at HasleWorks reminds me of my first job; it was open plan, there was a sense of community and the proximity created a very productive work style. Plus ça change!”


An inspirational evening in June


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