Celebrating International Women’s Day
Our founder Helen Bowcock features here in Waverley Borough Council’s "Women in Business" to celebrate International Women’s Day. She talks about how Hasleworks serves women and how it contributes to the local community. Here's a snippet of the article :
Supporting women:
HasleWorks provides an ideal environment for women who have caring responsibilities to work near home but need to escape from the distractions of working at home. Is also a welcoming place to escape from the social isolation of working alone at home and is a source of support to local micro-enterprises founded by women.
Having experienced what it was like, decades ago, to have no workplace flexibility or right to remote work and trying to combine a job with childcare responsibilities, being able to support women to work remotely and flexibly is a very strong driver.
The highlight of establishing HasleWorks has been meeting an amazing range of people who come through our doors. They include women business founders who use the workspace, founders of local micro-enterprises with products and services to sell, our female employee and community leaders, for example the women who lead the Haslemere for Ukraine activities.
📸 Heather Chuter Photography