Co-working: from convenience to collaboration
In the quickly evolving ecosystem of hybrid working, many people are using co-working spaces for the first time.
Lots of us are feeling that we have not yet settled down into the right ratio of office/home/co-working. People who have started using co-working for the first time value the convenience; less travel time than getting to the office; fewer distractions than at home. As we get used to it we find there is more to co-working than reliable wi-fi, comfortable desks and chairs, and meeting rooms.
Getting into a neutral space creates a state-of-mind-shift; you go into work mode. It is easier to concentrate and to get things done – sometimes even easier than being in the office. For the single person business there is a sense of professionalism that comes with space organised for work rather than space carved out of a home.
But we think there is still more to be got from co-working. There is a sense of community within the workspace and this is made more potent as most people live locally rather than commute great distances. There is the ability to make new contacts, to share ideas (and to get neutral opinion on those ideas) and there is the possibility of working together.
We believe that co-working spaces will continue to evolve, bringing practical and emotional benefits to members. Over time new collaborations will develop between individuals which will create new possibilities that were much less likely to occur either from home or in the office.